Whispers of Freedom 

The adventure begins outside the fence...

Deep in the farthest regions of the Solemn Forest, lies a whole other world. A world of love, hatred, joy, fear, laughter, tears... and you've stepped right into it...

Welcome to Whispers of Freedom

Welcome to my site! I'm Mord, the owner and author of the story Whispers of Freedom. No this is not a roleplaying site, sorry, but it's still awesome all the same. Need I say what it's about? You'll find out eventually, just look around.

This is the first story I will be writing- yeah, it's the beginning, but you can bet your socks there will be more to come!! :D This first story is called Whispers of Freedom, getting tired of reading that? Yeah. Go ahead and read what I have up, I mean that's what this site is for- duh, but remember that this is a story based off of my own ideas!!! Don't steal!! 

(plus the graphics are mine too!! XD)

 story-summery-1.gif picture by Rowan122993

Lobo and Alma, two young gray wolves, are living the life behind the sheltered walls of a zoo- free food, no problems, warmth and protection- but still feel they are missing out on something big. Being born in captivity, the two young pups don't know anything besides the life they currently lead, and feel that's it's missing something.

First, nearly killed in a struggle to escape, and then learning how to fend for themselves in the wild, the two young wolves face yet another problem- they aren't alone. Will a neighboring pack of wolves tear them to pieces or will they make it through alive?

smiling-wolf-1.gif picture by Rowan122993

The prologue and chapter 1 are finished! Chapter 2 will be up shortly, read the preview for it now!!!

I have re-modeled the site!! Yay! :D

Chapter/Prologue Summaries:

Prologue: I love the prologue!!! So, Slash killed his father to become alpha, and Phantom is in on it...Ooohh spooky!! ^^ You may be wondering, what the heck does this have to do with the rest of the story? Don't worry, you'll see... *evil grin*

Chapter 1: This chapter doesn't have much action in it. It wont be the most action-packed, and I really don't think it's the most important chapter in the world. It's really just about the day Lobo and Alma were born, and lets you into their father's p.o.v. for a little bit.

Chapter 2: This is the first chapter from the p.o.v. of one of the main characters: Lobo. He is about a week old when the chapter begins, (pardon me if it isn't too realistic, I have no idea how fast baby wolves develop), and it's basically explaining his early childhood- er- puphood.





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